IIS - Using BIGACE with Microsoft Internet Information Services

BIGACE was tested on a IIS 6, successful with activated URL rewriting (but without .htaccess files to secure folder access).

There is a Forum thread regarding the installation, please read it and post your feedback there: http://forum.bigace.de/general/bigace-2-7-on-a-windows-server/

This was tested on an INTRANET server: I had to give the "Internet Guest" account (IUSR_<MASHINNAME>) modify permissions on my C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder

Installing PHP 5 for IIS 6

I was following this guide http://peterguy.com/php/install_IIS6.html

This is about version 5.2.6 and uses the "manual" installation.

It requires a ISAPI filter as an dll file named PHP5ISAPI.DLL wich are not found in later versions.. i used version 5.2.11

In PHP.INI i have these extensions enabled.


IIS Rewrite rules

The rules below work with the ISAPI rewrite 3 module from http://www.helicontech.com/isapi_rewrite/.

The rewrite rules for IIS ISAPI rewrite 3 are slightly different, so take these:

RewriteEngine On 
## enabling rewrite.log 
RewriteLogLevel 9 
## enabling error.log 
LogLevel debug

RewriteBase /

## Old style URLs, before BIGACE 2.4. Full URLs require complete rewriting 
RewriteRule ^bigace/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.*)$ /public/index.php?cmd=$1&id=$2&name=$3 [NC,QSA]

## If none of the above applied, this was probably a normal filesystem call. 
## But if the file or directory does not exist, treat it as permalink 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d 
RewriteRule (.*) /public/index.php?id=$1 [QSA]

You might want to remove the lines "RewriteLogLevel" and "LogLevel" in productive systems, but you will require them for testing and analysis if something doesn't work as expected.