
The {last_edited_items} TAG renderes or returns the last edited pages/images/files.

-> Since BIGACE 2.3.


  • itemtype - (optional, int) - Possible values: 1 for pages, 4 for images, 5 for files. Default: 1.

  • id - (optional, int) - Fetch only items below a special ID (only use with menus if you want to show items of a special subtree)

  • language - (optional, string) - Language of the items that will be fetched.

  • from - (optional, int) - If you want to use paging, the start value.

  • to - (optional, int) - If you want to use paging, the end value.

  • order - (optional, string) - How the items should be orderer (ASC/DESC).

  • assign - (optional, string) - Name of the template variable the value will be assigned to.

  • pre - (optional, string)

  • post - (optional, string)

  • preDate - (optional, string)

  • postDate - (optional, string)

  • description - (optional, string)

  • date - (optional, string)


This example shows how to fetch the last edited pages as pre-rendered HTML.

   `<title>`Last edited pages`</title>`

This example shows how to fetch the last edited images as pre-rendered HTML.

   `<title>`Last edited images`</title>`
   {last_edited_items itemtype="4"}

This example shows how to fetch the last edited images as pre-rendered HTML.

   `<title>`Last edited images gallery`</title>`
  {last_edited_items itemtype="4" from="0" to="3" assign="myLastImage"}
  {foreach from=$myLastImage item="img"}
  `<div class="image">`
    `<a href="{link item=$img}">``<img src="{link item=$img}" alt="{$img->`getName()}">
    `<br />`
    `<b>`{$img->getName()}`</b>` - {$img->getDescription()}`</a>`