
The {news_category} TAG returns or displays all Categories the given News was published with.

If you are looking for a way to display all available News categories, see {news_categories}.

-> Since BIGACE 2.4 and News v0.9.


  • item - (required, News Item) The News Item, we lookup the Categories for. This OR the "id" attribute must be set.

  • id - (required, int) The News ID, we lookup the Categories for. This OR the "item" attribute must be set.

Fetch Category array

Use "assign", if you want to fetch an array of Category items:

  • assign - (optional, string) The name of the template variable the array with Categories will be assigned to.

If you do not want to handle the categories in your template, use the easy method and pass:

  • css - (optional, string) The CSS class to apply for every category link.

  • prefix - (optional, string) The HTML prefix to display BEFORE each category.

  • suffix - (optional, string) The HTML suffix to display AFTER each category.

  • last - (optional, string) If set, the "last" attribute replaces the "suffix" attribute for the last category.


This example shows how the default list (comma separated items) is rendered:

   `<title>`How to display the NewsItem categories...`</title>`
    {news_item id=$MENU->getID() assign="newsPage"}
    The News with the title: `<b>`{$newsPage->getTitle()}`</b>` has been filed under the categories:
    {news_category item=$newsPage}

Display the list a bit more complex:

   `<title>`How to display the NewsItem categories...`</title>`
   `<style type="text/css">`
   a.newsPage {
    {news_item id=$MENU->getID() assign="newsPage"}
    The News with the title: `<b>`{$newsPage->getTitle()}`</b>` has been filed under the categories:
    {news_category item=$newsPage prefix="`<li>`" suffix="`</li>`" css="categoryLink"}

The last example is for the experienced user and uses the returned category array, instead of pre-rendered HTML:

   `<title>`How to fetch the NewsItem categories...`</title>`
    {news_item id=$MENU->getID() assign="newsPage"}
    The News with the title: `<b>`{$newsPage->getTitle()}`</b>` has been filed under the categories:
    {news_category item=$newsPage assign="newCategories"}
      {foreach from=$newCategories item="curCat"}
         `<li>``<b>`{$curCat->getName()}`</b>` - {$curCat->getDescription()}`</li>`